Antigravity Vs. Dark energy or The paradox of Superman.

Imagine that in the vertical of a given point in Ecuador, a geostationary satellite rises. As is known, this satellite will be found at a height of 36,000km., Which is the geostationary altitude or place where the orbital velocity is synchronous with the Earth's rotation (when the satellite rotates in the same direction).

We ask for the help of Superman, which offers us unconditionally very solicitous. We moved to Ecuador, just at the point on the earth's surface whose vertical geostationary satellite is mentioned above.

Now we ask Superman to take a small stone and without relying on earth, throw it with calculated strength so hard and so way than ascend vertically right up to the height at which the satellite orbit is, one iota more nor less.

Armed with diving, we rise following the stone (we impose our mass, as observers, does not interfere with the experiment). We see the stone, as the satellite approaching, will slowing its ascent until he stops for a moment, just when it reaches its height. A moment later, he begins its descent will be completed, as is known, at just over 1.4 hours.

And this is where we find the paradox. If we consider the moment in which the stone has stopped his ascent, the initial conditions of both systems (a geostationary satellite and stone), are identical, not its previous "history", yet one still in orbit while the other starts his fall.

We build a second experiment. With the help of Superman, which collects a lot of Kripto-steel, a material of extreme hardness and resistance yet shows no mass or gravitational field, we build a huge tower of Pisa of 36,000km. height, the upper terrace is right next to the geostationary satellite so if stretch out our hands from it can come to touch it.

Emulating Galileo and again imposing our mass does not interfere with the experiment, we take a stone from the surface of the Earth and ascend the tower to reach the terrace. We extend a hand holding the stone collected on Earth, right next to the geostationary satellite.

We can be thus arbitrarily long time, imposing the masses of satellite and stone not interfere with each other or with the experiment until we decide to release the stone. What will happen? Will the stone be suspended just off the orbiting satellite? Will start to fall until it reaches the surface in about 1.4 hours?

The answer is that the stone will fall but then the paradox arises: How is it possible that the previous "history" condition the result of the experiment?

We can only resolve this paradox if "accept" that the geostationary satellite is "loaded" of dark energy (I prefer to call her: antigravity).

But, what is it that mysterious dark energy or antigravity ?.

It is neither more nor less than the kinetic energy accumulated by the satellite:
½ m v².

But, as we know from Einstein (E = mc²), that energy (½ mv²), although in a very small value should weigh. That is, it should contribute to the satellite "fall" instead of keeping it suspended.

Should we rethink the "vision" of Einstein? Is energy "weighs"? That is, the energy creates gravitational field (E = mc²)?

That is precisely the position that I posit: E ≠ mc². Energy not only creates an attractive gravitational field, but interacting with matter, curved spacetime in reverse as it does this.

Einstein's equation is valid only for systems at rest and matter-energy transformations (read the atomic bomb), but overall, I postulate that energy does not weigh, but rather the contrary, the energy is strongly repelled by gravity and is the mysterious "dark energy" that scientists so seek.

Way similar to how matter curves space-time "creating" gravity energy the curve in the opposite direction creating anti-gravity or dark energy.

Of the energy equation of a satellite link we can derive the following if we consider the example of the geostationary satellite, the kinetic energy neutralizes exactly the "weight" or centripetal force that should bring down the satellite.

For official physics is the centrifugal force that opposes the weight. I posit that the kinetic energy is dark energy, which when passing through the gravitational field, as similar to what happens in electromagnetism , a force that opposes the weight and the value appears as follows:
                 mg = mig (1 – v² / vo² ).

In this equation, mg is the resultant force that opposes the weight, mi g is the local  weight at rest, v is the transverse velocity (relative to the gravitational field) and vo is the local orbital velocity.
We can simplify the antigravity equation: m = mi (1 - v² / vo²).

Thus we obtain the apparent mass from the initial function of transverse velocity and the local orbital.
That mass can be negative, if the transverse velocity is greater than the local orbital speed, and when multiplied by the value of the local gravitational field strength: g, we get the dark energy or antigravity generated.

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